Support A Pawsome Cause

According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters every year. Out of these 6.3 million, about 920,000 animals are euthanized. 920,000 of the sweetest lives, who at that moment don’t even know what’s going on, are terminated. We believe that animals deserve a second chance; they deserve more loving homes. That’s why we’ve decided to take action and support this cause.

The ASPCA is an organization that works to keep more animals in loving homes by protecting animals from harmful situations through community engagement, preventative action, and providing resources and care when needed. Their different areas of expertise include: helping people and pets, investigations and rescue, animal care and recovery, improving laws for animals, the puppy industry, protecting farm animals, and advancing horse welfare. 

Animals touch our hearts, and we hope they touch yours too. That’s why we’ve decided to support the ASPCA in their cause. We’re now advocating and directing monetary rewards to it. When you recommend someone to us that receives a non-obligation quote, we offer to donate $10 on your behalf! So, how many friends have you got!?

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE
